Early in the morning on May 17th, just prior to the Vesak Program, two laywomen, Frances Huang and Ranxi Huang, shaved their heads and then took vows to become novices (sramanas, sanskrit/samanas, pali). Both Ven. Jen-chun and Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi presided at the ceremony where only a few were in attendance. Frances has the Dharma name of Ci Hu and Ranxi took the Dharma name of Ci Jiu. Approximately 60 people participated in the Vesak Program and many people brought delicious food offerings that were eaten at lunch. There were generous contributions made for relief of victims of both the Myanmar cyclone and China earthquake. Ven. Subhuti, a visiting monk, gave an impromptu talk in the afternoon. We appreciate his generosity in sharing the teachings with us. At the end of the program Ven. Jen-chun conducted a ceremony for five people who became Buddhist lay disciples by Going for Refuge to the Triple Gem and undertaking the Five Precepts.
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