I. Date and Location 時間與地點

Date: 9/28 ~ 10/5/2024
時間: 9月28日 ~ 10月5日
Location: Bodhi Monastery
地點: 美國新澤西同淨蘭若
Instruction: Conducted by Ven. Bhikkhu Kaiyin
禪修指導: 開印比丘
Evening Talk: Conducted by Ven. Bhikkhun Ju-chih
晚間開示: 如智比丘
Quota limit: 40 person, Accept beginners to sign up
Language: In Chinese with English translation
Email: Contact Us 聯繫我們
Phone: 973-940-0473(Bodhi Monastery)
Sign Up: Register Online 網上報名

II. Four Immeasurables


The Four Immeasurables, also known as the Four Brahmavihara, are four kinds of attitudes towards sentient beings, namely lovingkindness (mettā) – wishing sentient beings to be happy, compassion (karuṇā) – desiring to relieve the sufferings of sentient beings, appreciative joy (muditā) – rejoicing in all the success of sentient beings, and equanimity (upekkhā) – being neutral and not falling into the clinging of what is desirable or undesirable. The Four Immeasurables are the four antidotes to the toxins of the mind – aversion, harm, jealousy, and attachment, etc., and can bring benefits to oneself and to others. In addition to cultivating vast merits, the Four Immeasurables can also establish sublime meditative absorption.

III. Retreat Rules 注意事項

To all participants:To ensure a successful retreat, we ask every participant to comply with the following rules:

  1. 所有學員承諾全程參加,不可中途插入和早退。
    Full participation is required.
  2. 禪修期間嚴格禁語。
    All participants are required to observe noble silence during the retreat.
  3. 所有學員,必須承諾嚴格遵守作息表
    All participants must follow the retreat schedule closely.
  4. 禁止使用電話、手機、iPad、電腦等電子用品,看書/雜誌。
    Use of phone, cell phone, iPad, computer, and electronics are prohibited. Reading books and magazines are also prohibited.
  5. 請勿設置鬧鈴,工作人員會提醒時間。
    Please do not use an alarm clock. The staff will remind you of time.
  6. 學員將於報到時統一收手機,於禪七結束當天歸還。
    Participants are required to turn in cell phones to the on-site staff at the time of check-in on the first day. Cell phones will be returned at the end of the retreat.
  7. 禪修期間,不允許私下錄音及流傳。
    No voice or video recordings are allowed during the retreat.
  8. 禪修期間,除向指導禪師提問外,不當相互討論宣講彼此的經驗。
    Other than ask the teacher during the Q&A session, please do not share or discuss personal experience among yourselves during the retreat.
  9. 進入禪堂坐下前,及起坐離開禪堂前,請自行禮佛。
    Bow to the Buddha upon entering the meditation hall when you get to your mat and
    before you leave.
  10. 學員有出坡及保持禪堂整潔的義務。
    It is every participants responsibility to complete assigned chores and ensure the meditation hall clean and tidy.
  11. 為了護念您自己和他人,有嚴重精神、身理疾病,如嚴重高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、 抑鬱者等,請勿報名。嚴重感冒者不宜參加。若於報名後、禪期臨近時,患重感冒 者,請及時與主辦方聯繫。
    To protect self and others, please do not apply for this retreat if you suffer from severe health problems, such as severe hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, depression, etc.Participants who suffer from bad cold or flu should not participate in this retreat. If you are suffering from any sudden infections such as a flu / fever / bad cold as the retreat date approaches, please inform the retreat coordinator in advance.

IV. Schedule 時間作息表

時間 Time 9/28 (SAT) 9/29(SUN)-4(FRI) 10/5 (SAT)
05:00-05:30 起板 Wake-up
05:30-06:20 早課/禪修 Morning Service/Meditation
06:30-07:50 早齋、出坡 Breakfast & Chores
08:00-08:20 八戒 Eight Precepts 禪修 Meditation
迴向 Sharing Merit
08:20-09:20 指導方法 Method Instruction
09:30-10:20 禪修 Meditation 恢復場地 Cleaning
離營 Check out
10:30-11:20 禪修 Meditation
11:30-13:20 午齋 休息
Lunch Break and Rest
13:30-14:20 14:00-18:00
報到 Check in
禪修 Meditation
14:30-15:30 指導方法 Method Instruction
15:40-16:30 禪修 Meditation
16:40-17:30 禪修 Meditation
17:30-18:30 盥洗 Personal Time 盥洗 Personal Time
18:40-19:30 禪修 Meditation
19:40-20:40 19:00-19:15
Opening Speech
簡介(環境、規則與作 息表)
(Environment, Rules, Schedule)
Intro. Eight Precepts
Guided Sittinge
開示 Dharma Talk
20:50-21:20 禪修 Meditation
21:30 安板熄燈 Bedtime—Lights out

V. Transporation 交通資訊

  1. The closest airport is Newark Liberty Airport (EWR). It is a 60-minute drive from the Bodhi Monastery. On the days of arrival and departure, the monastery will provide a limited number of pick-up and drop-off car services.
  2. It will be greatly appreciated if some of those who would be driving could kindly offer carpools to others. Also, if you would be able and wish to help with airport pick-ups or drop-offs, please indicate so on your application form.
  3. For those coming from the New York City area, there is a bus line departing from the Port Authority Bus Terminal (Times Square). Please take Lakeland Bus (Route 80) to Sparta Police Station. Bodhi Monastery will be able to pick you up at the Sparta Police Station. Please call us at (973) 940-0473 once you arrive at the bus station.
  1. 建議搭乘飛機之學員,以抵達新澤西Newark國際機場(EWR)最佳,由機場至同淨蘭若僅須60分鐘。報到日及圓滿日,本寺將提供由Newark機場往返同淨蘭若之交通服務。
  2. 有車者請自理交通,交通請自理,並希望能發心提供車位接/送搭乘飛機之學員。能發心者請在報名表上註明能提供車位之數目,由寺方會統一協調。
  3. 紐約市學員亦可在Port Authority Bus Terminal (Times Square) 搭乘 Lakeland Bus (Route 80) 至 Sparta Police Station,本寺備有 Sparta Police Station 和同淨蘭若間之交通服務,到站時請以電話與同淨蘭若聯繫 (973) 940-0473。