2013 New Year 8-Day Meditation Retreat

Concentration and Insight Meditation Retreat with Sayalay Susila 8-Day Retreat: Dec. 28th 2012 – Jan. 5, 2013 Bodhi Monastery, Lafayette, NJ In this retreat, Sayalay Susila will first teach lovingkindness meditation, mettā, to the meditators. Lovingkindness...


2012 SUMMER DHARMA RETREAT will be hosted by the Yin Shun Foundation at Bodhi Monastery in Lafayette, New Jersey Featuring Dharma talks, meditation sessions, discussion, and liturgy — a balanced blend of the intellectual, contemplative, and emotional sides of...

2012 Dharma Retreat Guidelines

General Etiquette Please Be Considerate, Be Kind, Be Respectful! Punctuality is very important. Please pay attention to the class bell (5 minutes before class). We ask that all participants practice Noble Silence at all times, especially in the Buddha Hall, during...

Letter from Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi on Buddhist holiday

VESAK 2012 Remembering the Buddha and his teachings with joy, gratitude, and generosity Dear Friend, The most important holiday in the Buddhist calendar, Vesak, is just around the corner. Starting on the full moon day of May, the month of Vesak celebrates the birth,...

Beginners instruction in meditation on Sunday

Sunday meditation class In order to meet the needs of our growing community, Bodhi Monastery will start offering Meditation for Beginners on first the Sunday of each month. Before resuming this service, we would like those who are interested in this class to first...